
Report a Leak

Learn what to do if you suspect a gas leak.

Construction vehicle digging into the ground.

How to Recognize a Natural Gas Leak

Even though natural gas is colorless, odorless, and non-toxic in its pure form. There are several ways to discover a natural gas leak by sight, sound, or the most common way, smell. The smell is actually due to an additive placed in natural gas pipelines called mercaptan to make sure a leak can be found and found quickly.

Sight - Blowing gas, dead or dry vegetation, or bubbles in the water near a pipeline. Escaping gas affects the nutrients in soil, so discolored soil or dead vegetation near a pipeline may indicate a leak.

Sound - Whistling, hissing, or roaring noise. Natural Gas leaks may make a hissing or high-pitched whistling noise.

Smell - Odor to smell like rotten eggs. Because the gas is odorless, a sulfur-based odorant is added to give it a rotten-egg smell that warns of its presence. Be alert for this odorant or any petroleum smell.

Found a Natural Gas Leak Outside? What To Do:

  • Immediately leave the area.
  • If possible, turn off any vehicles or equipment being used in or near the suspected leak.
  • Abandon any equipment being used and move upwing from the suspected leak.
  • From a safe location, call 911, your local emergency response number, or call South Alabama Gas. Give your name, phone number, location, and a description of the leak.
  • Warn others to stay away when possible.

Found a Natural Gas Leak Inside? What To Do:

  • Do not turn on or off lights, use phones, or other electrical items that could be an ignition source.
  • Get out of the building and call your local South Alabama Gas office immediately.
  • Warn others and keep them out of the building until help arrives.
  • Do NOT smoke.
  • As you are exiting the building leave the doors open for ventilation.